Smiles Are Languages Of LOVE...

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

My Biography

Hy guys, My name is Lisa Triana Putri. You can call me with Lisa. I was born in Serang on 4th May 1991. I'm the 3rd child from five siblings and I have two brothers and two sister. We were born from two different tribes, my father Padangnese and my mother Sundanese.

This is the history of my education. I was in SD Serang XI, SMPN 1 Kota Serang, SMAN 1 Kota Serang and now I studying Information of Technology at Gunadarma University in Depok. During study here I get much learns and now I was trying to deepen about web design and 3D object, because I like design.

Now, I'm 21th years old and I'm interesting to entrepreneursip. I wanna be a succes entrepreneur like my father. Since I was child,  I often sell everything that produce money like coloring picture for kids. :D

When I was at high school, I designed the school yearbook, especially for my class.  I'm grateful to Allah SWT, because I've given more creativity . I've creativity soul and high imagination. With my excess, I can get my future.  Do you know what? I'm very like dream, because with my dream I can get my aspiration in the future and dream will come true if you believe that.

Since I was at elementary school to junior high school, I've ever joined to taekwondo team in Serang and also I've ever followed some taekwondo champions. I've got a bronze  and two silver medal.  I love taekwondo, because my old brother is a taekwondo's athlete from Serang. He's the one of good athelete from Serang.

Oke guys.. that's a little biography about me. And I'm so sorry about my grammar. May be my English is not good, but I think English is the language and language is a communication. So, the important you can understand about that I write (^o^)v. The last, I just wanna say " Don't forget to smile, because smile is language of LOVE. So keep your smile, guys!" :)